
I've lived at my rented house for 11+ years. There has been no issues with landlord, that I'm aware of. Out of the blue I was served an N12 stating landlords son is going to occupy the home while attending University. Since the school year is not 12 months, is this considered bad faith? Also, being a 2 bedroom house and the "son" rents out the other room is that considered bad faith? Can I attest the N12 due to extreme hardship it will cause me? This is a very big problem as I have a physical disability which severely restricts movement and I can not pack, load and unload or unpack. Additionally, I'm on a pension and can NOT afford to pay movers, first and last or the high rent. I will certainly be doomed, losing all of my property including my 2 beloved cats as I will be homeless with no means to move or pay to move.

N12 Type
  • Personal Use
Did the Tenant Contest the N12?
  • No
Did the Tenant Leave?
  • Other
Eviction Date
  • 2023-05-01

1263 Windsor Avenue, Windsor, ON, Canada

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